Têtes Noires

Shortly after the breakup of Borrowed Time, I attended a house party in Minneapolis, and in conversation with a member of the all-female band Tetes Noires, found out they were seeking a guitar player, after their original player left.

I auditioned, and got the gig. Tetes Noires had made a name for themselves in the Minneapolis music scene, getting frequent gigs and had put out a couple records.

When I joined, I created my own parts for their songs. They were accommodating of my playing style, which was very different from their previous player.

I got to play a "main stage" show at First Avenue, and we went on a short tour to Chicago.

I ended up leaving the band to move to New York, which was a really bad move on my part. Once New York chewed me up and spat me back out to Minneapolis, I auditioned for an all-female Prince-associated project, along with the former drummer of the Tetes. She got the gig, I was definitely not ready for that, nor could I fill out the lingerie that band ended up wearing (ha!). Shortly after that, I left Minneapolis for Los Angeles.